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Gadis Saintis
Wednesday, 25 May 2022 +
Was this a dream? Am I really someone's fiancee now? I still clearly remember on 10th of October 2021, I was waiting for Iqram to come home and I was a bit mad at him sebab he didn't update me that much that day. Then he called, I was being so cold at him, merajuklah konon ahahaha when suddenly he asked me, "You free tak on 26th December? Mama nak masuk meminang." Terdiam, terkejut. Aku salah dengar ke? Is that his new joke or a new way untuk pujuk? Because if yes, ehem it's working sir! When suddenly Iqram tanya lagi, "You okay tak tu?". Hahahahaha obviously no! So I asked him was he sure mama sebut meminang? Atau nak bercuti di Melaka je and meet my family? He just laughed and I was still in shock. After several more questions for confirmation, baru aku boleh terima kenyataan tu. I wanted to scream "Yes!" tapi masa tu kan still merajuk so I throw a pillow at my roommate instead and answered his question dengan bertenang....."Yes, sure I free je." Hahahahaha And that's that. Throughout those 2 months of preparation, aku masih rasa benda tu macam mimpi. To be honest, I didn't plan to get married that early since I am still doing my PhD... I didn't even thought someone could love me that much and want me to be his wife. Iqram was so nice and soft-spoken and I am... emm you know, over-sensitive, emotionally unstable. Hahahaha but above all that, I was content and happy. Despite several ujian after bertunang, Iqram sentiasa reminds me that we can go through this together and he'll never give up. Well, fast forward, lagi few months je till our wedding. It wasn't easy but if I had to go through all those ujian and obstacles again, I will as long as I am with him. Gituuuu, but I am serious. Ehek. Ok cukuplah itu je, nanti rajin aku update lagi k. Doakan urusan kami dipermudahkan dan semoga kami sentiasa murah rezeki, thank you! *this post has been in my draft for months, sorry saya baru ada masa to edit and post it. |
Hensemnye Iqram tuuu. Untungnye awak
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