Thursday, 17 June 2021 +

Assalamualaikum dan salam PKP yang tak berpenghujung.

Hari ni rasa nak bercerita pasal benda yang baru dan agak unexpected yang I did in this far. Ayuh.
Before this, I've always wanted to record and show people a proper video of our fieldworks. Since I get the privilege to work in the forest and nature environments, including forest reserves that most people don't have access to. I also managed to see wildlife right in front of my eyes (mostly just their foot prints hahaha) and mesmerizing scenery (like the photo I took below in Perlis), soooooo I wanted to share the journey with you guys so bad! But, I'm too lazy and I don't have proper equipment to record (alasan but true though). Selain tu, saya juga sangat awkward dan kaku bila di depan camera. I guess that was the main reason why I refused to record a video dengan ML Studios bila Matluthfi call aku waktu kat Cheras dulu. Maka, niat itu terkubur for a long time until now.

Taken on 27th June 2019, in Wang Kelian, Perlis during my internship at PERHILITAN

But, a month before puasa this year, I feel the urge to make a Youtube channel, tiberrr (i don't even know why). Iqram is the first person yang I told about this and dia punyalah semangat macam dia pulak yang nak buat video hahaha. Siap cakap kalau I made one, dia pun akan cuba buat a channel (talking about IT/triathlon or about cycling in general). My housemate pulak obviously paksa aku buat, dari dulu lagi hahaha. Suprisingly, I received huge supports and tips from my friends termasuklah rakan online saya (thank you miharu!). So, makin berkobarlah semangat saya and I even bought a video editor software (dengan bantuan Iqram ihik), gituuuuu. Nak dijadikan cerita, few days after that we have two days fieldwork di Hutan Taman Negeri Ayer Hitam Utara. Maka, disitulah saya decide untuk cuba record. With the help from people around me, mostly from my teammates- Jimi bagi pinjam dslr dan tolong record during fieldworks, Syu bagi pinjam iPhone 11 dia for me to record juga any footage dan Encik Hakim pun dengan baik hatinya share his GoPro footage for my video, Asmira dan Iqram tolong komen editing saya dan fikir background songs wahahaha and few days of thinking the name of the channel, maka terhasillah my Youtube channel dan the first fieldwork video (klik sini untuk ke Youtube channel saya).

Something that is totally new to me, if you never try, you'll never know.

Screenshot of some supports I received (bukan angkat bakul sendiri k). Encik Hakim siap tolong share video sebab dia kata kesian tengok viewer 99 je and 24 hours after dia share, viewer terus naik ke 300+, thank you!

The first video wasn't as good as I expected. Dengan lab bisingnya dan unclear voice but hey, you gotta start somewhere and be better along the way tu kan? So takpelah, tu kiranya my baby step to get familiar with the process. After that, I was planning to record my second video two weeks after the first video (before raya) tapi sadly, we have to go back to our hometown sebab lockdown. Bukan sedih balik hometown tapi sedih sebab I won't have a proper camera for recording since back camera of my iphone rosak dan I was too busy preparing for my viva and all. Inshallah I'll come back soon with new content!!!! Sementara tu boleh tengok my first video dulu dan komen any improvements I can make, yang membina tau! Thank you!

Sekian, bebelan saya untuk hari ini hihi. Jangan lupa subscribe dan like video saya tau! Till we meet again! <3

p/s: jangan lupa subscribe youtube kawan-kawan saya juga (just click their names with red font tu)



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