Hullo everyoneeeee,
As you can see in the title, yes, I am married now, to my one and only 178 cm boy. Tapi macam biasalah, it takes months for me to update my blog hahaha. Okay straight to the point.
On 24th December 2022, alhamdullilah sekali lafaz kami telah selamat menjadi suami isteri. I love everything about my majlis, exactly like how I wanted it to be. Very intimate, with family and close friends. Peaceful dan lancar, alhamdullilah makanan dan goodies cukup. Alhamdullilah juga tak hujan, sunny and windy all day padahal waktu tu tengah musim hujan. Oh, kami buat majlis nikah dan sanding pada hari yang sama, because I can't afford to micromanage and socialize while in full make-up, and heavy clothes for more than a day. Ini bukan gedik tau, I know myself and terbukti it's hard for me sebab aku demam weh a day before my majlis because of that! Selsema + batuk, hence my face become extra drier (thank you Dr Morita for saving the day) that day dan hidung aku mengelupas due to frequent friction with tissues. Tapi nasib baik dapat bridesmaids yang sangat function ye, sangat membantu, siap beli ubat, ironkan tudung dan prepare everything just so I can get some sleep.
 | my beautiful pelamin, very magical i want to cry
loving my final look, the details of the dress, the heels, and the henna perfectly fit me
ibu, the first person who holds my hand in this world, and will forever be us, forever and always
during reception
So, aku nak list down a few wedding tips that I've learned from my wedding day (yang lain korang boleh baca di website/social media):
- buat online excel/spreadsheet, list down things to do, to buy, everything and share it with your partner. always update it! contoh our spreadsheet:-
- plan everything as early as you can, manicure, padicure, set the date terus.
- visualize what you want as details as you can, supaya you get what you want.
- dengar nasihat dan pandangan orang lain especially orang tua, respect their opinion BUT it is not compulsary for you to follow what they said. you know better what you want.
- pilih bridesmaid yang ringan tulang dan proactive, it will help you a lot, seriously.
- sleep early even if it's hard, paksa diri and it will be better if pengantin tak tidur di rumah (kalau majlis di rumah) or you won't thinking apa lagi nak buat and can't stop doing works.
- rajin bertanya pada wedding planner, MUA, they know a lot and you may get unreveal tips.
- invest in your photographer/videographer. berbaloi to keep your wedding day moments.
- branded clothing doesn't make you look beautiful if the style, material doesn't fit you. ingat tu, prioritize looks and quality > brand name.
- nak jimat? we don't hire DJ, we make Spotify playlist instead and paid our experienced friends to be emcee (boleh nego kalau dengan kawan).
- nak jimat lagi? buat hidden hantaran, letak gula dan tepung. do not tell a soul except your partner dan yang buat hantaran tu of course haha. benda tu semua boleh claim kat husband lepas kahwin.
- jadi bijak, turn your mas kahwin/hantaran into investment. instead of minta duit banyak, I asked for dinar for my mas kahwin hehe.
- ini jarang orang buat- sediakan flow majlis for your families and friends. kadang bila mereka tak tahu the flow, benda ni boleh melengahkan majlis. contoh, nak ambil gambar family, time tu lah makcik ni pergi toilet, pakcik tu tengah merokok kat luar, sedara ni tengah nap, kan susah. here's mine for example:
 | contoh tentatif |
Hmmm as of now, mungkin itu je. You can add more tips in the comment. Mungkin boleh membantu siapa yang baca this post. Dan sampai sini je kot aku mampu tulis, nak sambung buat kerja pula hehehe. Mohon doakan perkahwinan kami dikurniakan sakinah, mawaddah dan warahmah, aminnnn. Thank you for reading, till next time!
Video kahwin kami boleh tengok kat sini. 
Labels: Family, Life, Love, Wedding
Tahniah korang😍 semoga berbahagia sampai ke syurga💐
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