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Gadis Saintis
Sunday, 7 February 2021 +
It's been a month since the last time I met my family sebab PKP ni. Tadi facetime dengan ibu, dia cerita sekarang tiap hari Hafiy yang basuh baju then Debby sidai baju. Hafiy pun dah pandai masak sendiri bila lapar, Debby dah pandai kemas rumah and bilik sendiri. They're very matured despite their age right now and that freaks me out (but bangga at the same time). Uwuuuu my adik dah besar and again, I wasn't there to watch them grow. Me so sad :( Since abah meninggal, I've promised myself to work hard and be their father. I'll treat them if they got good results just like abah did, I'll bring them to nice places once in a while just like abah did and I'll love them like abah always do. No less. This is because... I'm fine without a father I may survive even though it is hard because I've spent most of my time with abah before. He was there during my lowest and weakest. He taught me a lot about this life, the same goes with Hidayat. That is why I always feel bad for Hafiy and Debby because they are the youngest. Abah won't be there during their important events and they don't have the chance to do anything with abah as I always did. Hence, kakak janji kakak will do all that for you guys. Selagi kakak mampu, kakak lakukan. Inshallah
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