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Gadis Saintis
Friday, 18 September 2020 +
Hi people! I hope you guys are doing well, physically and mentally. I know the situation right now is kind of harsh, again, phew hope we'll get through this pandemic well. Last few months I was planning to do an Instagram live while answering questions from my friends regarding animals. Any kind of questions as long as it is related to animals but sadly, we didn't manage to do the live....because I need to stay back in the lab till night that day. So, since we're having a crazy writing week now, I thought I might also update and answer all the questions in this blog post and make it a monthly routine (hopefully). It will be rude to leave your questions unanswered, is it? Here we go: ![]() Yes! Fish sleep with their eyes open because they do not have eyelids. Some reseachers say they are resting instead of sleeping because they are still alert to danger. They do not sleep in the same way that land animals sleep. How to know if they are sleeping? Most of them will remain motionless (except for certain shark species, they must keep moving even while "sleeping" to ventilate their gills), their breathing will slow down and they will lay on the bottom of the sea/aquarium-- nampak macam tengah termenung memikirkan masa depan gituuu ![]() No, except in the zoo. Lion, zebra, giraffe and cheetah are not originally from Malaysia! Lion are widely distributed in most of Africa region and also some in India (Asiatic lion). Zebra can be found in southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Namibia and northern South Africa. While giraffe is native in Africa and cheetah can be found mostly in Africa region and Iran. ![]() Yes, Malaysia ada beruang matahari or sun bear in english (picture above). Sun bear kita is the smallest bear species in the world, comelkan? Dia ada lidah yang sangat panjang that can be up to 25 cm because they are experts in extracting honey from bee nests. Yes, dia makan madu. Selain itu, they are arboreal which mean, they can climb up the tree, using their small size and long curved claws. Sadly, our sun bear sekarang is facing threats from habitat destruction and poaching (for medicinal purposes, I mean for god sake?! it is 2020, just go to the pharmacy if you are sick, don't eat bears bile!), hence making them the most vulnerable bear species :( So, that's it for now. Sorry if it is too short. I will try to squeeze my time to write more blogpost as I am busy with thesis writing process right now (doakan saya habis master tahun ni, thank you!). Drop more questions regarding animals on the comment section below and I will answer it in my next post, inshallah. Thank you for reading :) Labels: Animals, Awareness, Biodiversity |
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