Saturday 26 January 2019 +

Hello everyone.
It's 2019 already, I still fail to make consistent and interesting blog posts. Yep, making a regular blog post is damn difficult. Ever since 2011 my blog only last for about 2 to 3 months before it is abandoned by it's reckless and negligent owner (that's me!) muehehe. But since this year I'll be 23, which is kinda old for me, I personally think I should discipline myself to do something constantly, I need to learn to be more responsible and be a better writer. Thus, I am in the process of ADULTING! Lagipun, one thing I learned from being a blogger (used to have more than 150 followers in 2012 because you know that time everyone's a blogger haha), it is not that easy. It is not like bing bang boom - congratulations, you've created an influential blog with a loyal following. How I wish it was that easy because creating a blog requires you to be more hardworking, you need to learn some useful technical skills (javascript and HTML stuff, I don't even realize I've been playing with it since high school) and you need to solidify your knowledge.

So, here I am, creating a whole new blog with a new template, that is more mature (if you've been following my previous blog, you'll know what I meant), hoping that it will bring a new spirit for the new me ahak! I also decided to write more educational post regarding our wildlife and the efforts to save them. I hope tons of new idea will come to me so that I can write them down easily, I hope I've enough time to write, maintain a ready list of post ideas and keep myself motivated and enthusiastic to keep my blogging engine chugging consistently. Till next time!



Blogger Aishah Hassan said...

Wowowowowow, you go gurlllzzzzzz. Hehehe you have my support!

12 February 2019 at 19:36  
Blogger Aishah Hassan said...

Btw, lawa lah blog. Shoooo kiut just like you >.<

12 February 2019 at 19:37  
Blogger Heidi Haris said...

aaaaaah thank you bbgirl! <3

17 February 2019 at 14:03  

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